Talk about timing!
Just one day after the release of my book, "Filthy Rich Politicians," The Wall Street Journal is reporting that "Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand and Josh Hawley [are set] to unveil a bill to bar executive-branch members and lawmakers from owning stock in individual companies."
This is almost exactly what I call for in my new book — which (again!) just dropped yesterday. The reason? Even the appearance of insider trading erodes trust in our elected officials and institutions.
(If you're a media booker who is looking for someone who can talk about banning congressional stock trading, I'm right here ...)
It's unclear whether my book is already having an influence, or whether we just had some lucky timing. Regardless, the last few days have been pretty heady—and intense—for me.
For example, please check out my recent interviews on MSNBC's Morning Joe, The Megyn Kelly Show, Jonah Goldberg's The Remnant, The Will Cain Show, National Review's The Bookmonger, The Washingtonian — and many more!
I have done some extensive interviews for NPR's Morning Edition, The Young Turks, Michael Malice's “Your Welcome” podcast, Mediaite, and The Dishcast with Andrew Sullivan.
Each of these interviews has made the case for a series of reforms, including (the most important) banning members of congress (and their spouses and households) from betting on the stock market.
But we're just getting started. ... I'm also slated to be on Hugh Hewitt on Wednesday morning, and will also record an episode of The David Pakman show.
We might just help ban congressional stock trading before this is through.
Stay tuned!