As I write this, Joe Biden is desperately attempting to salvage his re-election ambitions, while blaming “elites” for trying to push him out of the nomination.
The populist card is, of course, is the last refuge of a politician. And I’m doubtful it will work.
If Biden is pushed out, Kamala Harris will be his most likely successor.
Bill Scher, who co-hosts The DMZ podcast with yours truly, makes a pretty compelling case that Harris will be (and should be) the Democratic nominee.
Regardless of your thoughts on that, I would encourage you to check out our full conversation.
Bill and I also discuss whether Biden’s team has been keeping his condition a secret.
Bill believes that Biden’s condition worsened in recent months—which may be true.
Still, these are not mutually exclusive theories. It seems plausible to me that Biden’s conditioned worsened and that Biden’s team has spent the last five years covering up his issues cognitive problems.
Speaking of which, I am reminded of something I wrote waaaay back on April 1, 2020, as the COVID shutdowns were beginning:
… Joe Biden should social distance even more. He should recede into the background like Homer Simpson backing into the shrubs, only to reemerge tanned and rested after Labor Day.
… Now, I know that this thought process seems insane. It has become axiomatic you should never pass up a chance to have sex or be on TV. It has become political wisdom that you concede nothing. That you hustle. That (as Al Pacino might yell during a particularly motivational half-time speech), “We can fight our way back into the light. We can climb out of hell. One inch at a time!” There is wisdom in that. But sometimes, like the bamboo, it’s wiser to go with the flow.
Yes, this theory … goes against our human pretensions, which push us to believe that, by virtue of our efforts—our work—we have some semblance of control over our own fate. Like Boxer in Animal Farm, we want to believe that all our problems will be solved if we just work harder.
I continued…
Laying low may be Joe Biden’s best strategy—and it’s one that wouldn’t be possible were it not for social distancing.
My best advice for Joe may be this: Don’t just do something, stand there!
That’s right, four years ago, it was obvious that Biden’s best chance to win the presidency was to campaign from his basement.
Back then, social distancing gave him a great excuse.
This time around, he has no good excuse.
It’s possible the only reason Biden won in 2020 was that he didn’t have to run a traditional grueling campaign.
And, let’s be honest, Biden was in MUCH better shape then than he is now.
If the Biden-Harris story isn’t exciting enough for you, it’s also possible that we will find out who Donald Trump will tap to be his vice presidential running mate this week.
In the event that Trump will pick North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, I am planning on interviewing my friend, Rob Port, who is a columnist for what is colloquially called the Fargo Forum.
This episode will only air to the public in the event that Burgum is selected to be Trump’s veep. However, I am hoping to make it available to paid Substack subscribers and Patrons.
Stay tune for that discussion.
You might have noticed an absence of podcasts and YouTube clips last week. That’s because I was on vacation in Arizona (I know, but it’s a DRY heat).
The photo below shows my wife and me in Sedona. If you have never been, it is STUNNING. You can see more pictures of our trip (and a really cool reel) on my Instagram feed.
I can’t tell you how important it is to take breaks. And although I did write one column for The Hill, I was able to spend a ton of time reading and relaxing and hanging out with my family.
You don’t have to go to Arizona, but make sure to log-off this summer and focus on what really matters.